
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons


Ask Rightly

There is only one way to guarantee that the answer from God to every prayer...
Prayer written on a paper kept on the ground

How to Pray

The Church tells us we must pray. Our friends tell us we must pray. The...
Knowledge written in a book in bold letter

Knowledge Requires Trust

We all grow up learning to trust our teachers. We trust that George Washington was...

What Jesus Has Done

In the Gospel lesson for the 6th Sunday of Luke, we hear how Jesus cast...

Repentance of the Mind

You’ve heard me in my sermons. You’ve read my words in this blog. Repentance comes...

Speak with a Little Salt

I like to cook, so I find myself watching a lot of cooking shows. I...

God Chooses Who He Saves

I must admit it can be difficult accepting the truth that God can save whomever...

Loyalty Has Its Limits

When my father was young it was expected that if a person dedicated his life...
All hands united together

Be Strong

Among the many struggles of being a Christian in 21st Century America is the reality...

Christian Groupies

We read about it in the Scriptures. Crowds would gather around Christ every time He...

Cheating Death

With the war in Israel on everyone’s minds these past few days, many are wondering...
A bundle of 100 dollars on a table

Early Stewardship

Some think that Christian Stewardship is an invention of the Church to ‘make money’ in...