
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons


Are You Growing?

I’m sure we can all agree that learning and growing are good things. It would...

Things Will Be Better

There is a malaise over the town after our doubleheader hurricane. Many are still digging...
Be Transfigured Ministries

The Household of God

Our host parish in Tarpon Springs was in the throngs of a doubleheader hurricane in...

All Things Under His Feet

For many years I have struggled with the idea that God is ‘in control’ as...

What if it was God the Whole Time?

I am not afraid of truth. Science doesn’t scare me. It doesn’t shake my faith....

Stubbornness Leads to Death

Our host parish in Tarpon Springs is still in a state of emergency from Hurricane...
two faced

Two Faced Christians

For years I have witnessed with frustration Christians welcome visitors, even invite visitors, only to...
Pharisee Christian

Become a True Theologian

Among the various Orthodox website and media channels, many present themselves as theologians. Quoting the...

Don’t Twist the Saints

The devil will never stop trying to trick us away from God’s path. He fooled...

A Confusing Lectionary

If you are in the habit of reading the Holy Scriptures everyday using ‘The Readings...

When People of Faith Doubt

When it comes to faith some believe that doubt is a sin. Some believe that...

When Will We Learn?

There is a reason the saying, “hindsight is twenty-twenty” is so popular. It is true....

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