
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

No Work – No Food

This might sound like a political post today, considering all the government debate about welfare,...

The Danger of a Different Gospel

This is the time of year, along with just before Pascha, that many Christians are...

Spiritual Routines

Everyone has a daily routine. No matter how detailed, everyone tends to live a life...

Finding Joy in the Faith of Others

When as the last time you found joy in the work of others? This may...

Are You a Reflection of God?

When Jesus was called “good” by the rich ruler He said, “Why do you call...

Poor in Generosity

Many people ask me why the Church talks about stewardship so much if, as people...

The Day After

Yesterday, we gathered as families and friends around a banquet table to give thanks to...

2021 Nativity Fundraiser Begins!

As part of our annual Nativity Fast Fundraiser, we have set a goal of $2,000 for...

Giving Thanks

Today is the Feast of Thanksgiving, not a ‘sanctioned’ nor ‘traditional’ Feast in the Orthodox...

Citizens of Heaven

Parents spend many years preparing their children for their future. Miles of driving from activity...

Prepare Your Soul for Christmas

It can be difficult sitting in your house fasting for Christmas when all your friends...

Ancient Reconciliation

Every day, the Church commemorates a variety of saints, some ancient and some recent. If...

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