
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

The Bible in Worship

The other day I was having a conversation with someone about why we don’t have...

Trust Leads to Change

Today is the Feast of St Ananias, one of the Seventy Apostles, who we hear...

Procrastination is Your Enemy

Many people ‘work well under pressure’ to accomplish their tasks waiting for the fast-approaching deadline...

Why Go Back?

Each of us has a past, some of which we are proud of, and some...

Effort Matters

We all know the struggle. Our alarm goes off just moments after we have fallen...

Helping Others Live their Faith

It can be difficult to live your Orthodox Christian life among different groups. That is...

Enjoy your Sabbath

We live in a 24-hour society. Because we no longer depend upon the natural order...

Persecution is a Badge of Honor

Turn to most Christian blogs or cable channels and you will hear faithful people ranting...

Theology Matters

If you have ever had a discussion about religion with your friends, you know it...

The Calendar as Teacher

Some consider the Church Calendar to be nothing more than dates and times of services....

Test Yourself!

The theme this week has been centered around how other people view our Christian life,...

Repentance Attracts Others to Christ

As I wrote yesterday, the Light in your life can attract many to become followers of Christ...

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