
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

not good enough

Never Good Enough

Here is one saying nobody ever wants to hear, but always needs to hear. You...

The Work Goes On

Part of every person’s personal mission is to accomplish something in life. Whether it be...
time is running out

Remain or Repent; Which is it?

It has become popular to use the expression, “God made me who I am,” as...
good news

It is Good News for a Reason

There are two things that indicate a growing Church. First, the people are excited about...
mind your own business

Mind Your Business

We all like to think we are successful Christians. We all like to think we...

What Would You Pay for Heaven?

What is the value of a bag of groceries? How much is a gallon of...

Gift for the Future

For most Christians, at least for most Christians living in America, dwelling on the past...
hidden treasur

Hidden Blessing

We live in a society based heavily on rewards. When we excel at work, we...


There is a popular bumper sticker which uses symbols of different religions and cultures to...

Division is the Devil’s Work

There is no doubt that our society has become extremely fragmented in recent years. This...
Two signboards of different colors

Passion Bearers

Throughout the world Christians are caught ‘in the crossfire’ of war. These Christian find themselves...
how much do you love

How Much do You Love

As Americans we are independent thinkers and actors. We choose our own destiny. We make...

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