
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

God is Always with us

With the closing of Bright Week, also known as Renewal Week, in the Orthodox Church...

Is Being in Church Enough?

Here we are, the final day of Great Lent 2021! It is my prayer that...

Is Being in Church Enough?

Here we are, the final day of Great Lent 2021! It is my prayer that...

Social Media

You can’t escape public debates these days on social media, making it difficult to live...

Holy Week Day 4 – Repent or be Alone

On Holy and Great Thursday the Church commemorates the final moments of Christ’s life before...

Holy Week Day 2 – Prepared not Selfish

During our Christian journey we are constantly being told to love others as ourselves, put...

Holy Week Day 1 – Today is the Day

Having just celebrated Palm Sunday and the Saturday of Lazarus, Great Lent almost seems like...

Day 38 – The Psalter

If you have been participating in the various Lenten Church services, via livestream for your...

Day 37 – The Long Game

In normal times, these are not normal times, it isn’t much of a challenge to...

Don’t Worry about your Seat

Just days before Christ was to enter in Jerusalem, He shared with His disciples what...

Day 36 – Helping Young People Cope

I’ve noticed something on social media during the past few weeks that concerns me. As...

Day 32 – You’ve Been Called

We are deep now into our Great Lenten Journey. We can’t quite see the end,...

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