
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

Because God Said So

All Christians recognize Christ as the Word of God. The Gospel of John begins with,...

The End

Our Great Lenten Journey ends today with a view toward death. Great Lent has been...

Better Late than Never

Normally you receive our Daily Lenten Journey early in the morning, but the past couple...

Where Doubt Left Off

Many sermons are preached from pulpits around the globe about Faith. “Have faith!” “It just...

Life is about Choices

For weeks Great Lent has been forcing us to focus on how to live our...

Life is Both And

It has become popular to discount the Great Lenten journey with slogans half inspired by...

Intent is Everything

By now, if you’re like every other Orthodox Christian, you can recall at least one...

Offer Yourself by Serving

When James and John asked Christ, “Grant us that we may sit, one on Your...

Ancient Customs

One of the important aspects of Great Lent is to remember that our Orthodox Christian...

Don’t Let Your Weeds Overtake Your Soul

As we approach the final Sunday of Great Lent when the Church commemorates the repentance...

Not Perfect but Righteous

We have all heard about the righteousness of Abraham, and how God made His covenant...

Learn Together

Today we continue with the encouragement to have holy relationships with those around us, including...

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