
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

Being a Servant of God

In the Gospel we hear about a blind beggar that, although he could not see...

All In

When the Gospel speaks of a wealthy man who asked Christ, “What must I do...

Be a Saint…Instead of a Fool

As we approach the American celebration of Thanksgiving, each year coincidentally, the Church brings our...

Remember Be Transfigured Ministries during the Holidays

It is easy to get distracted with the many tasks of the holiday season. Shopping,...

You are not Hidden

It is easy to go through life comforted that most of our sins go hidden...

Do You Shine?

Some think we must hide our Christian acts of love and mercy, but today’s Gospel...

Don’t be Surprised by Conflict

Many Christians today bewail the treatment by members of the media or legal system, through...

Eternal Torment or Eternal Comfort?

It has long been taught by the Church that the condition of our heart will...

Your Salvation is Outside Your Door

In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazaros (Luke 16.19-31), Jesus tells of an...

Not My Will

When we ask for a blessing from God, it is important that we approach Him...

Get Behind Me Satan

When things seem to always be against us, we are tempted to think the demons...

Salvation Requires Time and Effort

In the Gospel we have a rare opportunity to hear Christ directly explain to us...

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