Video Sermons

What is the difference between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church?

With the approaching Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church our “Ask Father” series...
Hidden mysteries of the Da Vinci

Conversation on Faith and Science A Conversation on Faith and Science with featured guest speaker Dr. Daniel P Buxhoeveden...

Orthodoxy 101 – The Twelve Great Feasts

There are twelve such Feast Days: Christmas, Pascha, Ascension, the Transfiguration and the Annunciation are...

Orthodoxy 101 – The Divine Liturgy

The Divine Liturgy is the central act of worship in the Orthodox Church. Though regarded...

Orthodoxy 101 – The Bible, Prayer and Fasting

Orthodox Christianity teaches that there are three pathways that lead to God and a personal...

Orthodoxy 101 – The Virgin Mary and the Saints

Just What Does the Orthodox Church Teach About the Virgin Mary and the Saints? Most...

Orthodoxy 101 – The Sacraments and What they do for us

The Orthodox Church is a Sacramental Church. The so-called "Seven" Sacraments (Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist, Confession,...

Orthodoxy 101 – The Church Year

The season from Pre-Lent to Pentecost in the Orthodox Church is rich in liturgical celebration...

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