
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons


Day 11 – And He Died

Yesterday I wrote about starting over after we sin. Adam and Eve started over after...

Day One – Press the Reset Button

Each year for the past several years, we here at Be Transfigured Ministries has offered...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Day 15 – Fill the Void

Today we begin our third week of our Great Lenten Journey desperately in need of...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Hold Strong to Faith in Christ

In times of crisis, our faith is not only challenged from within, it is challenged...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Sacrifice our Will

During this unique season of Great Lent this year, because of the threat of the...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Preparing Our Soul for Christ

When we prepare our home for an important visitor, we spend time and effort preparing...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Money and the Church

Nobody ever likes to hear about money in Church, but when the Gospel boldly speaks...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Loving and Humble

In the story of the Canaanite Woman in Matthew 15.21-28, heard both in the Holy...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

No Better than Anyone Else

As the period known as the Triodion begins, marking the beginning of the ten-week journey...

The Power of the Light

The first public words of Christ after His Baptism and temptation by the devil were...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Gratitude to God

If we think that God is somehow obligated to bless us, or to give us...

Be Grateful

Every morning we wake up to another day filled with opportunities and choices, opportunities to...

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