
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

His Love is Greater than Death

It doesn’t matter what life throws your way, God is always looking out for us....

Return to Lent

Yesterday was the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos by the Archangel Gabriel. Being...

The Benefit of Church

In the Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Great Lent, the Church draws our...

God’s Energy is Always Love

This week we have been discussing the ways in which we can experience the energies...

Experience the Energy of God in Worship

I hear it too often. “You don’t have to be in Church to pray to...

Distinguishing Evil from Good

When it comes to Great Lent, while our attention is sometimes overly focused on fasting,...

Great Lent – Take Two

Today we begin the second week of Great Lent, and I invite you to reflect...

We Have Seen the Lord; Come and See Him for Yourself

On the first Sunday of Great Lent, known as the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Church...

The Challenge to Reconcile

With the second week of Great Lent now fully underway, the Church reminds us of...

I Believe in Church

When Jesus sees the faith of four friends, who bring to Him their paralyzed friend,...

Today is about History AND Faith

The Church has never been afraid of history. History is filled with happy events as...

Kollyva, Faith and Miracles

Today is sometimes referred to as the “Third Saturday of Souls” because the Church offers...

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