
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Today is Our Day

One day a blind man was begging by the side of the road when Jesus...

All Packed and Ready to Go!

Ok brothers and sisters. I'm all packed. I have tested YouTube Live settings for the...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

The Heavenly Banquet

In the Parable of the Great Banquet found in Luke 14.16-24, Christ describes how entrance...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

The Ancestors of God are Our Ancestors

When the Gospel recalls the ancestors of Christ on the Sunday before Christmas, we are...

God’s Perfect Timing

Each year on the Sunday before Christmas, the Church invites us to recall a long...

RSVP – No Regrets Please

When we receive an invitation to a banquet, the first thing most of us do...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something


Faith is a free gift from God that we must choose to accept. From the...
A Priest wearing a white dress speaking something

Compassion and Mercy

Once on a Sabbath Day, Christ reached out and healed a woman from eighteen years...

A Simple Multiple Choice Life

You are sitting by the side of the road selling fresh-caught shrimp when suddenly Jesus...

Our Chance is NOW!

Many times when we hear the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke...

To Serve Others

When it comes to preparing to celebrate Christmas, it can be a daunting task. Weeks...

What are You Willing to Leave Behind for Christ?

In the Gospel of Luke 18.18-27, we hear the popular reminder about wealth and heaven....

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