
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

What do you really want from God?

When Jesus encountered the Canaanite Woman who had been asking for the healing of her...

Gifts for a Purpose

When God gives us gifts, He does so with a purpose. He doesn’t just give...

Well done, good and faithful servant!

In the Parable of the Talents found in the Gospel of Matthew 25.14-30, which is...

In the World but not of the World

The call to saintly life is no less important today than it was in the ancient...

A Season Change is Coming

Just as God has provided simple flowers that peak through the snow to let us...

Jesus said, “Go to Church!”

As Orthodox Christians we often hear others declare, “I don’t have to go to church...

Seeing the World Through God’s Eyes

Since the creation of humanity, we have struggled to see the world as God sees...

Look at the World Through God’s Eyes

Ever since Adam and Eve walked in Paradise, humanity has struggled to see the world...

The World Hates God

Just days after Christ was born, the world began to fight against Him. Herod sought...

An Encounter with Christ

For weeks leading up to the Feast of Christmas, the Church has been singing the...

One Final Reminder Before Christmas

Christmas is now just days away, and many of us are frantically scurrying around town...

An Elderly Joseph, the Virgin Mary and Sexuality

Each year I find myself reminding people, and quite frankly becoming exasperated, about the truth...

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