
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

God Knows our Potential

Sometimes we feel that we have reached our limit and can go not one step...

Progress Can Sometimes be Interrupted

In every walk of life there comes a time when we are making great progress....

Welcome to Be Transfigured Ministries

New Website Update – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU As I mentioned a few...

You Can’t Talk Your Way into Heaven

“Good teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?” “All these I...

What is our Cross?

When we hear in the Gospel, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny...

Don’t be Astonished

By now most people who read this blog have heard about Jesus Christ. You have...

There is no Salvation without Forgiveness

Let’s face it. We all have done or said something for which we need to...

True Belief

In the story of the Jews wandering through the desert, (Numbers 21) we hear of...

True Belief Changes Us

Jesus said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the...

Are We Greater than God?

On the final Sunday before the Great Fast, the Church reminds us of the importance...

The Promise of Truth

On the Feast of Pentecost, the Church recalls the promise of Christ to send the...

Increased Expectations

There is a very good book that I encourage anyone who is concerned with church...

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