
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons


The Saints are Working

I am often asked why we Orthodox pray to dead people. Besides thinking we should...

Take a Chance on the Church

I wonder sometimes just how it is possible for people not to want to be...

Overtaken in Sin

In our constant battle against temptation, every morning we awake is another battle. Last night...
american cross

Freedom is a Gift from God

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they...
declaration of idependence

Be Known for Something Good

Today is the Fourth of July, Independence Day in America. It is the day we...

Competition in the Church

We live in a very competitive society. Businesses compete for customers. Politicians compete for voters....
american cross

American Saints for Tomorrow

As Orthodox Christians we read the daily calendar and learn about the great saints of...
helping others

How are you Using Your Gifts?

We hear about Stewardship all the time. The problem is, we only ever hear about...
Neon Welcome Back sign

Restoration with the Church

Just look around and you will find those who stepped away from the Church. They...
Red Rejected sign

Rejecting God

Ever since Eve listened to the advice of the serpent, humanity has been stuck between...
Pharisee Christian

Pharisee Christians

Some people think Christians cannot be Pharisees. I think we can. It is very easy...
Neon sign for Standup

Standing Up as Christians

The idea of ‘standing up’ for what we believe has become synonymous with the idea...

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