
Teachings From the Church and Other Important Lessons

The Bible with praying beads on a table

A Lost Opportunity

Today is known in the Church as “Wednesday of the First Week of Luke” as...

Zero to One Hundred in a Lifetime

I remember when I was young and ‘cared’ about cars much more than I do...

Rules are Tools

The other day I was at a party and was asked, “Can you eat this...
A beautiful view of the mountains

Are You a Sinner?

Let’s be honest for a moment. Nobody likes to admit they are a sinner, at...

Household of Faith

It can be difficult to understand our faith is not an individual faith but a...
Shroud of Turin, Holy shroud

Do Not Search out Trouble

I write often about embracing our suffering for the sake of Christ and our spiritual...
Shroud of Turin, Holy shroud

Another Year; Another Chance

We come once again to the Sunday before the Feast of Holy Cross. Year after...
A picture of dollars

Wealth is not the Problem

We live in the richest nation in the world. The poorest of the poor in...
The Birthplace of the Virgin Mary

Rebuild Your Relationship with the Mother of God

Today is the Feast of the Nativity of the All-Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of...
All hands united together

Division Cannot Stand

It is easy to get wrapped up into the political frenzy ‘of the day’ no...
Christian Cross icon and the sunset

Angels and Men

I often hear the phrase, “Now we have our own angel,” when people describe loved...
Christian Cross icon and the sunset

Frustrated Enemy

For all the talk about enduring suffering and have the courage to stand up for...

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